Saturday, 8 August 2009

extreme drought, crap doctors

it is almost two weeks without rain. the sun' and the moon's color changed from light/bright yellow to bright red. the air that i inhale everyday feels so dry and when i exhale, it feels like a flame. my lungs cannot function as usual to achive the common vital capacity since the airways feel so narrow and full with dust and chemical pollutants that react with the inner parts. staying in air-conditioning room will give me headache if stay too long in it while fan gives me nothing. plus, our region is quite near to a big industrial site which release chemical dusts into the air almost everyday. lately the sirens from fire station, just 50 feets away from our house can be heard everyday. its not caused by open burning done by humans, but sudden fire initiated by the heat from recklessly hot sunshine, usually in the afternoon. and this is one of the crowded place in sarawak since there are 4 universities and institutions with thousands of houses and families.

i had fever last 4 days and the temperature was surprisingly 40 degree Celsius. alhamdulilah, with my parents at my side i recover quite fast. when i was in the hospital for my first treatment which i thought the best way to discover what is the cause of my extreme headache and fever, i had to wait for 8 hours to complete the whole so-called treatment. i felt sorry for my dad since he should be giving his talk to his employees and just sit at the waiting area for the whole 8 hours with my brother, which also had to forget about his work at office. what happened at the hospital annoyed me so much. they asked to take xray photo, then gave my urine and blood sample. there were 4 doctors assigned to check me and all of them kept asking the same questions and i wanted to scream at their faces so badly for letting me to wait almost 2 hours every intersections and everyone in the waiting area can see me giggling. and the last hours, i've waited much longer which i cant hold anymore.

i entered the treatment room and i can see my doctor was treating other patience and my medical report just lying on the table without no one ever care. i stand there for almost 20 minutes, still the report remained untouch.i went to the doctor and ask him to finalise the report. what did he say? i assigned you to other doctor. fcuking doctors! they kept passing their cases to one another. i cant believe how government hospitals operate. if there is any suggestion box, which i couldnt find one, it will full with swears and critics.

what happened at the end? they just gave me paracetamol and that made me really pissed off! i promise to myself government hospitals will be my last resort to get treatments. my fever getting worse that night and my parents advised me to see panel doctors. with 3 different types of pills which i swallowed for the first time and a bit rest, i recovered almost 70%.

im going to visit my grandparent's house this weekend and i hope i will get cleaner air there and get better for being 300km away from this sarawak's desert. have a good weekend ;) and to the future doctors, dont be like crap doctors i've mentioned.


Anonymous said...

maybe crap government? crappy country too? :p

Nasuha said...

rilek pok..
spetar perentah nang kdk ya..
slalu mengalami shitty experience kdk ya jwak...

pegi lah normah spetar.. huhu XD

ANAK FELDA said...

lets hope i won't be a crappy doctor..hell NO!
i'll rather be a settler..huhu