this morning, i got sprained on my leg due to bad sleeping position, which i'll not describe how does it looks like. hint: sleeping with shoes on, avoiding dirts to get on my bed. you imagine it yourself. enough with that. i went through internet ang googled about it and found one pharmacy lecture on RICER protocol about the proper way to manage and deal with incidents of sprains. here's the protocol:
R - Rest and relax the sprained area and avoid further exposure of damage to it (eg. do not continue to play sports/walk after the injury, thinking that you can handle the pain).
I - Ice pack can be applied to the area to reduce the inflammation and swelling every few minutes or so.
C - Compression to the injured area should be done using a cloth or bandage to reduce blood flow to the area and reduce inflammation. Remember to loosen the compression every 15 to 20 minutes, for a couple of minutes or so, to avoid lack of oxygen to the injured area. Continue compression for a duration of 2 hours.
E - Elevate the injured area of the leg to again reduce blood flow to the area and reduce inflammation.
R - Refer to a doctor or specialist.
ok, my sprained leg is not that bad. just fell off due to poor blood flow cause by the bad sleeping position and hit the dustbin right away, lol. just want to share the protocol with ya all in case you face this case in the future. thanks to gerald_lian, a pharmacy student for the valueable information. cheers.
Kisah Babi Dan Pilihanraya
6 years ago
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