Saturday 18 April 2009

10 Signs Your Life Revolves Around Facebook

1. “Can I have your number” is replaced by “Do you have a Facebook?”

2. You profess your undying love to inanimate objects such as food, fictional characters and sometimes even real people through your Facebook status on a daily or hourly basis.
3. When planning to take pictures, you sometimes plan the name of your Facebook album before you take out your camera…so the pictures can match it, of course.
4. When you’re bored, you refresh your newsfeed to see updates…like every 10 seconds.
5. The first thing you do when you experience a dramatic event in your life (such as The Phillies winning a World Championship or your favorite character on Lost dies) you, first, update your Facebook status.
6. The worst thing that happened to you last week was when your X friend de-friended you on Facebook.
7. The worst thing that happened to you in the last few months is the new Facebook.
8. You joke about the fact that you say things outload like JK, OMG, LOL, LMAO, but you’ve been saying them for a few months now…
(warning seek immediate help if you exceed more than five characters when speaking in chat)
9. You spend more time playing around on Facebook applications that speaking to people in person.
10. When you like someone, you spend more time looking at their Facebook page than you do having actual conversation with them.

(If this is true, congratulations! You’ve reached first base - Facebook friends.)

If more than 1 of these situations apply to you, you should probably stop spending so much time on Facebook. If you can add more intense examples to this list from personal experience, please share below & seek immediate counseling.

via "from what i've gathered"

man, from what i've read above, im sure im totally addicted. lol (see, i did point number 8).

*holiday is over. need to get back to working mode full speed. aiyoh~mind the new layout, just wanna see some changes on my daily page ;)