Thursday, 30 April 2009

Pros & Cons

The 5-year-old sent home with faeces in his backpack..

This is one of the news reported on The Times newspaper today and it attracts my attention. you can read it by clicking on the title. and my first impression, why on earth did they put this on? but, hang on...the story is not the interesting part. the comments are. lets us see:

What a stupid story. My sympathies are definitely with the teacher.

This is so familiar - my son used to do things like that and it was percieved as bad behaviour. That approach caused more problems than it solved!! Many years later he was finally diagnosed as having Crohns disease - which is a chronic lifelong bowel problem.
In many cases he just couldnt get to the toilet in time.
Teachers are normally medically clueless and only see bad behaviour.

There they are, the pros & cons. so which party is in the right position? in my opinion, no one is. it depends on how the journalist himself plays with the words and of course; different mind, different thoughts. it is so fascinating to see different people with different way of thinking wrote their comments about this news that someone like me; who thinks it just a piece of crap, would just spill out the first thought came on mind. yes, i would like to ask what's the motive they wrote this one on such a newspaper, which is said to be one of the tabloid-free paper. but try to put oneself on other's shoe; for instance the parents themselves. they are so worried about their son's education and think that maybe the teacher may have gone way too far.

what about the teacher's shoe then? i dont know what she was thinking by sending the young lad with a bag of faeces . and this one:

We are Definitely not being told the full story here!

yes, the journalist got the blame. he is the one who controls reader's mind. i definitely agree with samara as the story is so short and the words were only from the parent's side. but hey, nobody can satisfy each and everyone. being a professional in all kinds of situation would definitely get the respect. again, but, there is something lacking somewhere because one thinks no one's perfect. :P

p/s: i admit by writing this post based on only two comments would be bias. like i said, mind-controlling. but, there's no way i can post all the comments here, write every point based on each comment. that would be nonsense. and the comments keep coming all the time. am being realist here and for sure, this is just one brain talking.

-did this just for fun.....revision! god xp-

9 : 21

Happy Birthday to Zulkarnain Shah Alladin a.k.a Nine, his 21st birthday

Izzat & Na-in , both 21 y.o in April (Alia, i grabbed ur pic without perms :P)

just a bit of the song, i forgot about the video function existence

-dod, u're old-

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Prophase 1 of Meiosis

enough with the hormone rush. lets talk about the real thing. the 4 stages of Prophase 1(LZPDD).

* Leptotene

* Zygotene

* Pachytene

* Diplotene

* Diakinesis

*mind the arrows

Leptotene(thin threads)
-individual chromosomes begin to condense into long strands within the nucleus. sister chromatids are indistinguishable as they are so tightly bound.

Zygotene(paired threads)
-chromosomes approximately line up with each other into homologous chromosomes.

Pachytene(thick threads)
-chromosomal crossover! nonsister chromatids of homologous chromosomes randomly exchange segments of genetic information over region homology. in sex chromosomes (X and Y), exchange of information is only over small region of homology. results in a recombination of information.
-exchange site: chiasmata/recombination nodules

Diplotene(two threads)
-synaptonemal complex degrades and homologous chromosomes separate from one another, a little. chromosomes themselves uncoil a bit, allowing some DNA transcription of DNA. but the homologous chromosomes of each bivalent remain tightly bound at chiasmata/recombination nodules

Diakinesis(moving through)
-four parts of tetrads are visible. sites of crossing over entangle together, effectively overlapping, making chiasmata clearly visible.
-closely resembles prometaphase of mitosis; nucleoli disappear, nuclear membrane disintegrates into vesicles, meiotic spindle/spindle fibre begins to form.

*this one feels better, 'cus it's my field =)

Monday, 27 April 2009


taken from The Times Photo of the week

*i think the picture is good ;) ,colours are great but still it's just a typical photo for me. dont blame me for being honest, blame those great photographers with much greater photos."photo of the week" maybe an exaggeration for the photo itself, but not for the meaning of the photo.

*blame my hormone for such a sudden critic xp

*note that i mentioned the word "blame" 3+1 times

Saturday, 25 April 2009

Examination Timetable

the examination timetable for summer examinations is now finalised. this is the timetable, for my own and my fellow biological sciences friends.

IMPORTANT: If an examination paper has Reading Time of 15 minutes it will be marked "R" below and IT WILL START 20 MINUTES EARLIER THAN NORMAL, i.e. IT WILL START AT EITHER
You are advised to take a copy of this timetable with you to examinations.
If a paper is Open Book, it will be marked "OB" below and you must check with the teaching department about approved texts.
Module Examination paper code and title Sct Length RdTime OpBook Date Time Room

BS127 BS1270 Agents of Infectious Disease n/a 3hr 0mins n/a n/a 04 Jun 09:30 Westwood Games Hall

BS125 BS125X Proteins/Physiology A 2hr 0mins n/a n/a 06 Jun 14:00 Panorama Room

BS129 BS125X Proteins/Physiology B 1hr 0mins n/a n/a 06 Jun 14:00 Panorama Room

BS110 BS1100 Animal & Plant Biology n/a 1hr 30mins n/a n/a 09 Jun 09:30 Westwood Games Hall

Where more than one section of an exam paper is being taken, the total exam paper length normally comprises the total of the section lengths listed.
You must have your University card with you in exams (or another form of identification bearing your photograph), and you will need to record your University number on your answer book(s). Your
card/other ID may be checked by the invigilators.
It is not possible to amend your registration now, but if you have any queries you must report them in person to the Academic Office in University House immediately. The timetable above may not reflect all
de-registrations made recently by Science students.
You must not have any unauthorized materials with you in exams, and you are required to abide by the University rules regarding the use of calculators in exams. You may only use calculators where they
are expressly permitted and any calculator must be of an approved type, not capable of information storage or retrieval. If you are in any doubt you should consult your department, which may administer a
scheme for the approval of calculators. If you use or attempt to use any unauthorised calculator or other material, this will be regarded as cheating.
You must not bring mobile phones or bags into exam rooms (see further University guidance on bags on the Academic Office website home page and/or postedin departments).
If your first language is not English and you wish to use a bilingual translation dictionary in your exams, you must provide your own dictionary and have it certified as appropriate for use in exams by your
department. Use of an uncertified dictionary will be regarded as cheating. In certain examinations use of bilingual dictionaries is not be permitted; these will be specified on University noticeboards and
outside exam rooms.

i was expecting it will start at 26 may based on last year timetable. the first paper is on June 4th, a little bit extra time for revision. work hard, fighting! xp

Thursday, 23 April 2009

ulang, kaji dan lupa

ijinkan saya untuk berbahasa melayu kali ini. semenjak sampai di bumi orang ini, bahasa melayu saya semakin hancur, bahasa inggeris lagi lah entah ke mana. acap kali susunan ayat saya tersilap, sahabat-sahabat pun gelak terutama sekali semasa berborak di penghantar yahoo. tidak lah banyak berbahasa inggeris, tapi kualiti bahasa melayu semakin menurun dalam pengucapan saya. mungkin saya semakin kurang bercakap. tapi saya bukanlah mulut murai. kalau dengar burung murai atau orang murai bercakap, saya rasa nak sepak sahaja.

cukup untuk pendahuluan. di sini saya ingin menulis tentang ulangkaji. ujian akhir pun semakin dekat, bak kata orang putih, dah dekat tepi kona sahaja. saya banyak lagi benda yang perlu dibaca dan saya menghadapi tiga masalah.

masalah satu:
skop soalan yang berkemungkinan ditanya sangat la luas. saya tak termampu nak habiskan 3 buah buku setebal hampir 1000 muka surat sebelum ujian akhir. kertas lalu pun soalan yang diberi tidak lah banyak. sebanyak rambut direktor depatmen sains biologi universiti warwick. kalau nak dibuat soalan yang kecil-kecil dan soalan tutorial, tak terkira banyak nya. sebanyak rambut Miles, budak mat saleh berambut afro dalam kelas syarah (lecture) saya.

masalah dua:
memang patut ulangkaji dipanggil ulangkaji. mana tidaknya, setiap kali baca, sudah lupa balik. kena ulang lagi. saya cadangkan bahasa melayu ditukar perkataan ulangkaji itu. ulangkajilupadanulangbalik. penat saya berjaga bersengkang mata, otak saya main-main pula. main sorok-sorok sel memori. kalau otak saya itu orang, memang saya sepak terajang dia sampai termuntah segala sel memori saya. penat saya baca 20 tahun ini, simpan nya main sukahati. cubalah simpan elok-elok.

masalah tiga:
internet. syaitan paling durjana yang ada dalam bilik setiap orang. kalau saya nak simpan laptop, kena keluarkan banyak kali pula kerana segala urusan sekarang memerlukan internet. kenapa lah internet ini dicipta, saya lebih rela tidak berinternet daripada duduk di hadapan skrin laptop ini, membunuh sel-sel otak saya setiap atto saat (x10-18). esei pula perlu ditaip, tak terlarat saya nak pergi ke perpustakaan atau grid pembelajaran untuk menggunakan komputer di situ.

okay, cukuplah. saya sudah rasa konfiden dengan bahasa melayu saya. itu sahaja. sekian, terima kasih.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

RICER protocol

this morning, i got sprained on my leg due to bad sleeping position, which i'll not describe how does it looks like. hint: sleeping with shoes on, avoiding dirts to get on my bed. you imagine it yourself. enough with that. i went through internet ang googled about it and found one pharmacy lecture on RICER protocol about the proper way to manage and deal with incidents of sprains. here's the protocol:

R - Rest and relax the sprained area and avoid further exposure of damage to it (eg. do not continue to play sports/walk after the injury, thinking that you can handle the pain).

I - Ice pack can be applied to the area to reduce the inflammation and swelling every few minutes or so.

C - Compression to the injured area should be done using a cloth or bandage to reduce blood flow to the area and reduce inflammation. Remember to loosen the compression every 15 to 20 minutes, for a couple of minutes or so, to avoid lack of oxygen to the injured area. Continue compression for a duration of 2 hours.

E - Elevate the injured area of the leg to again reduce blood flow to the area and reduce inflammation.

R - Refer to a doctor or specialist.

ok, my sprained leg is not that bad. just fell off due to poor blood flow cause by the bad sleeping position and hit the dustbin right away, lol. just want to share the protocol with ya all in case you face this case in the future. thanks to gerald_lian, a pharmacy student for the valueable information. cheers.

Monday, 20 April 2009

1st day of new term, perfect!

i couldn't ask for more; perfect weather, woke-up early, works done, presentation went well,
cheerful lecture ;) such a good start. people start to lepak2 on the grass everywhere, thats the real beginning of spring. yeah, here it is. spring arrival.

view from 'my' window. notice the word 'my'. LoL

*had ice-cream in the afternoon. ah, just wanna roll on the grass doing nothing, enjoying the sunlight. but, 'tis not time yet. final exams, focus2.. frisbee anyone for tension-release session? ;)

Sunday, 19 April 2009


Just want to write something for the beautiful but cold sunday mornin'. its been a while i write a lab report although saying am missing to write one is kinda impossible (for sure). it feels good when i started to write it again. this time about virus which i've been postponed for 5 weeks due to the super-fun easter holiday.

i woke up early this morning and the cold mornin' turned out to be hot when i cant open the laundrette door after dipping my student i.d card hundred of times, did it almost half an hour standing outside the building giggling like E.coli i saw under the microscope last term! even after i went to the reception to reprogram my card at freaking 8 am in the morning, it cannot be opened. thank to god He sent me a beautiful and cute angel from korea to open the door after dipping her card just for a few times. she's an angel! lol xp

tomorrow will be the first day of term 3 and i hope am ready. the first thing i will be doing tomorrow is presenting the topic given by my tutor last term using slides. 've done it before and i hope i will not mess up the important points. final term means final exams. final exams means? do it right, study hard, get good marks and go back to malaysia and eat good food. chaiyo people!

Saturday, 18 April 2009

10 Signs Your Life Revolves Around Facebook

1. “Can I have your number” is replaced by “Do you have a Facebook?”

2. You profess your undying love to inanimate objects such as food, fictional characters and sometimes even real people through your Facebook status on a daily or hourly basis.
3. When planning to take pictures, you sometimes plan the name of your Facebook album before you take out your camera…so the pictures can match it, of course.
4. When you’re bored, you refresh your newsfeed to see updates…like every 10 seconds.
5. The first thing you do when you experience a dramatic event in your life (such as The Phillies winning a World Championship or your favorite character on Lost dies) you, first, update your Facebook status.
6. The worst thing that happened to you last week was when your X friend de-friended you on Facebook.
7. The worst thing that happened to you in the last few months is the new Facebook.
8. You joke about the fact that you say things outload like JK, OMG, LOL, LMAO, but you’ve been saying them for a few months now…
(warning seek immediate help if you exceed more than five characters when speaking in chat)
9. You spend more time playing around on Facebook applications that speaking to people in person.
10. When you like someone, you spend more time looking at their Facebook page than you do having actual conversation with them.

(If this is true, congratulations! You’ve reached first base - Facebook friends.)

If more than 1 of these situations apply to you, you should probably stop spending so much time on Facebook. If you can add more intense examples to this list from personal experience, please share below & seek immediate counseling.

via "from what i've gathered"

man, from what i've read above, im sure im totally addicted. lol (see, i did point number 8).

*holiday is over. need to get back to working mode full speed. aiyoh~mind the new layout, just wanna see some changes on my daily page ;)

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

.: BGT 09 :.

her voice is so amazing and i was totally stunned when i watched it for the first time. quote from step up 2, its not where you from, its where you're at and she showed us no matter what challenge comes against you, just do what you want to do.

Monday, 13 April 2009

.: M.I.A :.


the 7th day missing in action. these two creatures disappeared from warwick uni without any possible way of contact. if u have any information about them, do call/text us
at warwick uni.

the holiday is almost over. just one week left and i havent finish my essay yet. fikri and mas came for visit last weekend. we had fun a lot since there was quite a number of girls from kyuem also dropped by for a few days. we played cricket and dodge ball, plus rugby [lol] and it felt like i was back in kyuem despite a bit colder temperature. ive done not much last week and i hope this week i able to get back to working mode before the term 3 begins. and yeah, cant wait to finish the exam [with good marks hopefully] and go back to Malaysia this summer hols.


Thursday, 9 April 2009

.: Rain :.

miss the heavy rain. used to stare at the window for quite a time when it was raining. love the sound of raindrops. rain cleanses the whole earth, thats what i think. rain in england? not so much. titis je...

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

.: Very Shocking :.

This is a real story of a young college girl who passed away last month in Penang. Her name was Ai Ling. She was hit by a truck.

She was working in a call center. She had a boy friend named Tony.

Both of them were true lovers. They always talked on the phone. She used to be never found without her handphone.

In fact she also changed her network from Maxis to Digi, so that both of them can be on the same network, and save on the cost. Even when Tony left overseas to finish his masters, they constantly kept in touch.

She used to spend half of the day talking with Tony.
Ai Ling's family knew about their relationship.. Tony was very close to Ai Ling's family as well. (Just
imagine their love) . Before she passed away she always told her friends 'If I pass away please burn me with my handphone' she also said the same thing to her parents.

After her death, people cudnt carry her body, A lot of them tried to do so, but still cant everybody that had tried to carry the body, the results were the same.

Eventually, they called a person known to one of their neighbours, who can speak with the soul of dead person and who was a friend of her father.

He took a stick and started speaking to himself slowly.
After a few minutes, he said 'this girl misses something here.' Then her friends told that person about her intentions to burn her with her phone.

He then opened the grave box and place her phone and sim card inside the casket. After that they tried to carry the body. It was then moved easily and they then carried her into the van.

All of us were shocked. Ai Ling's parents did not inform Tony that Ai Ling had passed away as they're waiting for him to come home after his graduation..

After 2 weeks Tony returned and called Ai Ling's mom.......

Tony:....'Aunty, I'm coming home today. Cook something nice for me. Don't tell Ai Ling that I'm coming home today, I wanna surprise her.'
Her mother replied..... 'come home first, I wanna tell you something very important.'

After he came, they told him the truth about Ai Ling.
Tony thinks that they were playing a fool. He was laughing and said 'don't try to fool me - tell Ai Ling to come out, i have a gift for her... Please stop this nonsense'.

Then they show him the original death certificate to him. They gave him proof to make him believe. (Tony started to sweat) He said... 'Its not true. We spoke yesterday.. She still calls me.
Tony was shaking.

Suddenly, Tony's phone rang. 'see this is from Ai Ling, see this....' he showed the phone to Ai Ling's family. all of them told him to answer. he talked using the loudspeaker mode.

All of them heard his conversation. It is the actual voice of Ai Ling & there is no way others could use her sim card since it is nailed inside the grave box!

They were so shocked and asked for the same person's (who can speak with the soul of dead persons) help again. He brought his master to solve this matter.

He & his master worked for 5 hours. Then they discovered one thing which really shocked them....

Digi 'I will follow you!!!'

via fb, andreas lionel

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

.: ReaD! :.

10 pages per day per book is not that hard xp

even kids can do it 0_O

*English rose tea, thumbs up! ;)

.: LoL :.

lol, this video is hilarious plus cute ;)

Monday, 6 April 2009

R-16 Gyeonggi

i saw a kid break-dancing on television when wondering in an electronic shop in manchester. he was darn good and even his moon walk was perfect plus he got the gut to clown people that were much older than him. i thought it was just another television series performance, but when i saw the eurosport logo, i remembered one thing. R-16!

youtube will be the last resort for me to watch the competition because the high quality video is hard to find. since i got no option, i have to, lol.

the Gamblerz Crew beat out Top Nine Crew from russia who took 1st place on the first day of the competition which was a performance/choreography contest amongst the 16 gathered crews. congratulations to both the Gamblerz Crew (Korea) & Top Nine Crew (Russia) who won a total of $20,000 each over 2 days. congratulations also go to the Brazilian All Stars who got 3rd place and won $4,000 and Rivers Crew the champions from 2007 who still was able to make it to the final four and took home $1,000. here's the overall result:



cant wait for the upcoming R-16! ;)

Sunday, 5 April 2009

.: Tea lover :.

sorry for my disappearance, sorting things out is much harder than i thought. i broke my own promise; only having two trips for this holiday. instead, i was in manchester last thursday till yesterday. yea, it was fun for me because we succeed to join the tour in old trafford, the place where all football fans would love to be. am not a big fan of football, but the tour was fun. and for sure, Rusholme was much more fun. Rusholme is a place where i can say "halal food heaven" in U.K. the food was great especially the ice-cream and the big plate rice with half chicken. i cant believe myself eating the whole plate on my own. lol. overall it was good.


this person didnt bath for 2 days in manc cuz of the cold freezing

talking about fan, am becoming a new fan of tea. bought two teas from whittard of chelsea after tasting the super delicious fruit tea from the shop. my very first trial, green tea and english rose. they're really good; uhuk2

*back to work