Saturday, 28 August 2010

The reasons

Of many things, it took me many years to finally accept that every single thing in this world exists because there are reasons behind it, and to finally achieve this sense is absolute happiness to me :) I do believe that how cruel people can be, there must be reasons. How kind people can be there must be reasons. How hot and cold a person is, i tell myself, yeah, the reasons are always slipped in. I constantly ask myself why someone's personality can change very rapidly, parallel with different environments and persons he or she encounters everyday. Thats what we called "adjustment". I'll say adjustments and being a hypocrite are 2 different things, but connected. Adjustments among human beings happenned because they hope for proper relationship with others, while hypocrisy is the practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess, or in other words, not being oneself. In most cases, people are not being themselves because they want to fit into the society and being different sometimes can cause a little too much...awkwardness, shall i say? But i do find it is such an offense to call someone a "weirdo", such a harsh word (maybe). From years to years, personality can change. So who can tell you're not being yourself? Unless they are with you side by side from the day you were born until present time.

Adjustments can only happen slowly, with efforts. You may already came across this one a few times, "One's present can be changed but not the pass". What i am trying to say is, the history which happenned in the past cannot be changed. We grow with environments and to change our nature a.s.a.p is almost impossible, unless brain washing events occur continuously in rare cases. For example, i grew up being a moderate muslim, as in average exposure to Islamic teachings, but still got basic understanding at least. My parents and teachers did not cane me if i forgot (or on purpose) to perform my prayer, to go to mosque for jamaah or to read Al-Quran. No, i dont blame them for any of that but i feel thankful for that. Learning in slow steps, with average exposure to these kind of teachings give me the chance to measure how close i am to the Creator and how far i will be from the Creator without Islam, or in simplified term, to know the limits. I enjoy being a normal teenager; when im having too much fun, i know it is time to slow down, of course with effort and guidance, taking into account the whisperings of Satan and Devils; when being with scholars, those who already know more about Islam than myself, i am attracted to learn some more. Shut up if i know nothing about it and ask. Being a "Mr. Knowing-All" kinda annoying a little bit and i dont want to be like one.

So, stop carrying around "The end is near" sign and do something about it for yourself and others. "Be happy and average, live like you gonna die tomorrow, learn like you gonna live forever".

Wednesday, 25 August 2010


Excellent reading source :)

Monday, 23 August 2010

Ramadhan bits

It has been about a month since im back home. Some friends and family members think im fasting and will celebrate Eid-Fitr this year in England. Well, not everyone is on Facebook arent they? Since Naiim moved to Terengganu, and a few others finished with their degree or continuing theirs somewhere else, so i have not many to visit really this holiday. But its kinda exciting when seeing some of them, how shock they were to see me again and hearing these phrases "Oh, its been long since we last met", "Oh, u've been a lil bit different, maybe fairer aye? Maybe some snow flakes stuck on you (lol!)"(Oh, my skins were much darker back then, thanks to my childhood mates who were so tempted to ask me out in the middle of the day, when the sun stood straight on our head). Not to forget " it has been a year/years, u gained no weight still". I have to buat-buat pekak (pretend deaf) again this upcoming Eid-Fitr, like last year, especially most of my close friend's parents, they like to express their disappointment(?) how slim and slender i am. Aiyo, Pakcik and Makcik, what do you expect from someone like me after a month of fasting? Gaining another 5 kilos of weight? Thats why we called Ramadhan, the fasting month, where people dont eat during the day, for 30/29 days. I went to bazar Ramadhan after 9 days of fasting, and from what i saw, people are lesser this year than the year before. But one thing about this year's Ramadhan is, even before the very old guy sitting on big chair announcing which day we gonna start fasting, you can hear firecrackers. Well, almost every night i must say. Been missing this last year, so im going to enjoy every bits of the sound. I still got a month to go before going back to uni, so most of the time i am jobless or part time employer of me parents enterprise. I've re-enrolled last week (since i got nothing else better to do), a bit nervous, sad and exciting to be a finalist next October. Surely very busy, with all the projects and essays, so those finalist-to-be, enjoy your penultimate year holiday to the fullest. We'll be working continuously throughout the year starting next month :S Happy fasting people, no matter where you are :)

Friday, 13 August 2010


Copy pasted from Hafiyyah's blog.


1) Yang pertama ditulis Qalam adalah BISMILLAH. Maka apabila kamu menulis sesuatu, maka tulislah BISMILLAH pada awalnya kerana BISMILLAH tertulis pada setiap wahyu yang Allah turunkan kepada Jibrail.

2) "BISMILLAH untukmu dan umatmu, suruhlah mereka apabila memohon sesuatu dengan BISMILLAH. Aku tidak akan meninggalkannya sekejap mata pun sejak BISMILLAH diturunkan kepada Adam." (Hadith Qudsi)

3) Tatkala BISMILLAH diturunkan ke dunia, maka semua awan berlari ke arah barat, angin terdiam, air laut bergelora, mendengarkan seluruh binatang dan terlempar semua syaitan..

4) Demi Allah dan keagunganNya, tidaklah BISMILLAH itu dibacakan pada orang sakit melainkan menjadi ubat untuknya dan tidaklah BISMILLAH dibacakan di atas sesuatu melainkan Allah beri berkat ke atasnya.

5) Barangsiapa yang ingin hidup bahagia dan mati syahid, maka bacalah BISMILLAH setiap kali memulakan sesuatu perkara yang baik.

6) Jumlah huruf dalam BISMILLAH ada 19 huruf dan malaikat penjaga neraka ada 19.Ibnu Mas'ud berkata: "Sesiapa yang ingin Allah selamatkan dari 19 malaikat neraka, maka bacalah BISMILLAH 19 kali setiap hari."

7) Tiap huruf BISMILLAH ada JUNNAH (penjaga/khadam) hingga tiap huruf berkata, "Siapa yang membaca BISMILLAH maka kamilah kekuatannya dan kamilah kehebatannya. "

8) Barangsiapa yang memuliakan tulisan BISMILLAH nescaya Allah akan mengangkat namanya di syurga yang sangat tinggi dan diampunkan segala dosa kedua orang tuanya.

9) Barangsiapa yang membaca BISMILLAH maka akan bertasbihlah segala gunung kepadanya.

10) Barangsiapa yang membaca BISMILLAH sebanyak 21 kali ketika hendak tidur, maka akan terpelihara dari gangguan syaitan, kecurian dan kebakaran, maut mendadak dan bala.

11) Barangsiapa yang membaca BISMILLAH sebanyak 50 kali di hadapan orang yang zalim, hinalah dan masuk ketakutan dalam hati si zalim serta naiklah keberanian dan kehebatan kepada si pembaca.

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

10th August 2010

"O Allah, on this last day of Syaaban and starting of Your holy month Ramadhan, let Awang Najib Awang Mohamad be an average man full with kindness, happiness and good health, let him be a good asset for his family, friends, orphans and religion especially Palestinians and Iraqis"

*Thanks for your du'a and wishes :))

Monday, 9 August 2010

Between supersticious and belief

Do you ever think about why Thailand, Indonesian and Malaysian ghost movies are even scarier than vampires from Europe continent? Have you seen this movie called "The Shutter" which is originally made in Thailand that you can still feel "something" is sitting on your shoulder until now; but when you saw the movie in English version, it just made you went-lol (laughing out loud)? This opens my mind about this issue; to be specific among Malaysian family and friends every time i go back to my home country over holidays.
At the beginning, i was confused during my first time moving into our house in Coventry, United Kingdom. To be honest, it really freaked me out to have chosen, or not in my best luck, to get a small room on second floor, with a bag cupboard's door creaking every night when the wind hit, and a window directly above my bed in a 3 storey house. I was afraid i can see "things" flying outside when i was asleep. Why? Because i experienced it myself when staying for about week at one of my friend's house on Hearlsall Lane, just a few blocks away from my house, with the thought that "thing" will come and find me. Alhamdullillah, i never even once experience any scary moments in the house, even when i was alone until i moved out last July, although a few housemates and some other friends did tell us that they saw "things" in both of our toilets on ground floor and first floor back then. So the questions i asked myself, why not me myself at least once have "seen" or encounter this entity in our own house when i've experienced like a lot, at other's places and here in Malaysia? Goosebumps - yes in Malaysia, no in England? Why there are so many what we Malaysian called "buatan orang", where people send "things" to harm whom they dislike but in England, we might be called ridiculous to believe such things? Refer back to Rukun Iman and Holy Al-Quran, we Moslims read and give our full trust on, that there are such things namely ghosts or spirits or "ghaib" in this world. Believe me when you are reading this post, there is/are thing(s) beside/not far from you, reading this together, with you, maybe on your shoulders or it is holding you legs, wallahu 'alam.
Here's the thing. Its the mentality and thoughts that differentiate those believers and disbelievers. When i am alone, i tend to empty my mind, and what comes into my mind first is going to be the story of the day until i change it, either indirectly or forcefully. Its the power of mind that controls it all. If you think of a general idea, for example, a house, the subthoughts will determine what it is going to be about. Let me give you some interesting examples of 3 ways of thinking, given a big empty, kinda isolated house (there are hundreds, maybe millions of probabilities its gonna direct you): creativity, reality and fear. For someone who is creative, he will imagine of unique design of the house, decorating it inside out, so comfy to live in. For someone who sticks with reality, he will try to see outside and grab the first image of another house he saw and design it as other common daily people will. And last but not least, a fearful person, he tends to put fences first, then calls out Tok Bomoh to enchant the house to chase away the bad spirits. You got the idea? Its a mind game that determines everything, or to keep it real, almost everything.
I admit there are bad people who mistreat their knowledge of this "another dimension world", or maybe God knows, bad spirits which are naturally harmful to us. But its about how we handle it, either you get in control or be controlled. Try to think of the best way to treat and handle this kind of problem, but if it is out of control, never think twice to ask for helps and advices from the experts, those who are real i meant, who does not lead us muslims to kufar/kufur, who believe in The Almighty and rigid knowledge of Al-Quran. Remember this, only human will hurt another humanbeings, those from so-called "another dimension" will never bother you in any typical cases. You see something unusual, keep silent and it will not follow you around. We share the same world, but different dimensions...shhh... :)