Look around you. One will never understand the other. One will never bother about the other forever. Selfish i should say 'cuz we are human. We are fighting to live this life, no ones want to die. I keep asking the same question since i was born into this world; why am i here? I do no harm to others yet others can be cruel sometimes. Some say life is fair, some say 'tis not.
We live different lifes, we're fighting different enemies yet sometimes the enemies are ourselves. I think over and over again, who decide every single dots? Dont try. Everything seems uncertain, i just want to stay still and watch. Miracles are everywhere only we are blind yet we can see. We are deaf but can hear.
I just want to live. Again, there are so many tomorrows.
Kisah Babi Dan Pilihanraya
6 years ago
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